February 3rd, 2011
Royal Olympic Athens Hotel
28-34 Athanasiou Diakou Str.
117 43, Athens, Greece

 organized by
Financial Academy
& Archetype

The 1st Pan European
Corporate Culture or State Coercion?"

About the Forum

In our days, there is a challenge unfolding more in the next years on the Gaming industry, the SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY issue.

The forum with the title "Gaming & Social Responsibility" will focus to the Responsible Gaming, identifying best practices, ensuring meanwhile that the interest of players and vulnerable groups are protected.

At last, is Responsible Gaming a marketing tool of the companies that are active in this industry or it is the infusion of corporate philosophy that a gaming company adopts?

Are European Responsible Gaming Standards applied by the gaming companies?

Government officials, opposition party and market decision makers will be engaged to the Round Table of the forum for a live constructive discussion.

Topics that will be discussed are the following:
  • What is the code of conduct for clear and transparent advertising communications on gaming?
  • How to monitor eventual risk factors before the launch of a new product?
  • How to create tools to avoid excessive game playing using self-assessment parameters?
  • Gaming addiction. How gaming companies cope with this?
  • What gaming companies can do proactively to forerun Gambling Addiction Treatment?
  • Are relevant laws, regulations and responsibilities met and applied by the state?
  • How can Gaming companies enforce Responsible Gaming?
  • Do gaming companies go beyond their regulatory requirements in setting and maintaining the highest standards of responsible gaming?
  • What are the international best-practices in using technology to advance player protection and responsibility in the gambling industry?
  • Is technology able to provide unprecedented levels of information to players so they have the tools they need to play responsibly?